Fresh Start

We get our information right from the horse’s mouth by working directly with senior level executives and hiring managers.  This will enable us to truly understand the organization’s philosophy, culture and other intangibles they might be looking for in a candidate that are NOT in the job description.  These elements help to ensure that our candidates are making the right career decision as well as our clients.


We learn about you, your career goals and what makes you tick.  By conducting an extensive introductory meeting we ensure that we present you in the best possible situation so that you are in a position to succeed and advance your career.  When you win, we all win!

Interview Preparation

We will cover every detail to make sure that you are overly prepared for your interview.  After all, you may only get one shot and preparation is one of the key things that you can control.  People don’t interview every day, in fact, some people may go years without a job interview, so going over items that may seem obvious is an important part of this process.  Trust us, we will have you prepared and confident to meet with your next employer!



An important part of the interview process is feedback.  We will share not only the great but also the areas where the employer thought you fell short and needed improvement.  Too many staffing firms “ghost” candidates when the feedback doesn’t go their way, at North River Staffing we believe in personal development and this part of the process guarantees you will improve in the right areas and nail your next interview.


You did it!  You landed your dream job, it’s ok to relax for a bit and celebrate.  After all, you worked hard, you prepared and the company loved you. Enjoy it!



There are a number of ways that you can partner with North River Staffing Group and here they are.

Retained Search

Each hire is urgent, but some are more important than others.  With a retained search we will guarantee 100% focus and dedication until your search is filled.  This requires an up-front fee which would then be applied to the balance once the search is complete.  Retained search is the most effective way for your positions to be filled quickly and efficiently.

Exclusive Contingent Search

If your organization requires more flexibility than a retained search then consider an exclusive contingent search.  This program guarantees that our firm will devote a greater amount of time, energy, and resources to the search than it would if the search was non-exclusive.  We will agree on set timeframes for the sourcing of candidates, the presenting of candidates and the scheduling of interviews until the right candidate is hired.  A fee is only paid when the search is filled.

Contingent Search

In some situations a straight-forward contingent search is appropriate, giving both parties the flexibility on how the search is performed.  The fee is only paid when the search is complete.